EasySMX Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch

EasySMX Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch

Maybe the nicest controller I have ever used

When I received the Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch my first impressions were good, the packaging is subtle and utilitarian. Once I had removed the controller from the packaging I could feel the finish to the top of the control and I was very pleasantly surprised. It is covered in this soft rubberised almost silicone material which gives a really nice premium feel and adds a nice amount of grip while using it. On the rear side of the handgrips, there is a grippy texture to also help get a nice grip on the controller. I think personally I would have preferred to have the entire controller coated in the rubberised material but it very nice overall.

Upon turning the controller one the first thing I noticed was the backlighting of the face buttons and the ring around the right thumbstick. This looks really nice and I am glad there is the option to lower the brightness of it and even turn it off as it can be quite bright in a dark room, although I will say the steps to change the brightness are quite complicated. There is a turbo button which claims to rapidly trigger button presses, but I could not work out how to get this to work.

I believe the dimensions of the controller are very similar to the official switch pro controller but that is only from comparing images. I have included an image comparing the controller to the switch joy-cons in the controller adapter that came with the switch. We do own another third party switch controller and one of the issues we have found with that one is that the printed labels on the buttons wear off very easily. But I can happily say that the design of this one has the buttons moulded in 3D underneath the surface of the button so that will not be an issue.

Getting the controller set up with the switch was easy and the instructions provided were easy to follow. In using the controller all of the buttons feel very high quality and responsive. I think the only complaints I have with the buttons is that the placement of the home and screen capture buttons are more prominent than the + and – buttons which are actually more useful in-game. The only other thing I would mention is that the d-pad is a little ‘mushy’ and I think if I was using this for a fighting game I would prefer to use the joy-cons with the directional buttons being completely separate

EasySMX Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch Gallery

EasySMX Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch










Build Quality



  • Nice finish
  • Backlight is cool
  • Good ergonomics


  • Button placement could be improved

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